Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why do I need to prepare if nobody is hiring?

Without trying to sound cynical here, is anyone interviewing now and in the near future? From what I read on these boards (so it must be true), the hiring wave seems to be over. Honest question.

Actually, that is a good question.

The airlines are cyclical with regard to pilot hiring, this is nothing new. Time of year certainly plays a part in the ebb and flow of hiring. And with the current economic state and fuel prices soaring, I personally hope they are streamlining their processes and therefore expenditure for conducting interviews. Frankly, this means a more competitive market in the near term. Yes, there are still airlines hiring – perhaps not the ones that pop into your head immediately – but foreign carriers such as Emirates are not suffering the same economic pinch as US carriers. Other carriers outside the 121 realm, like NetJets, are continuing to hire as well.

Why do people wait for the airlines to open the hiring flood-gates before they begin preparing? This doesn’t necessarily mean to visit a consultant right away, but rather to get your ducks in a row. If you are ready to make a career move then take advantage of the slow time and start getting prepared. Order your airman record from OK City, order your NDR, update your logbook, review your logbook (for possible stories, etc), start making notes about the airlines that interest you. Be ready for that phone call.

Lori Clark

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