Friday, April 25, 2008

Most "memorable" pilot interview

Hi Lori-

What's your most "memorable" interview? Good or bad...


Your question made me smile - thanks!

Wow - I've done so many interviews that they really seem to run together. I would have to say that when I reflect back over the years that I tend to generalize, or compartmentalize if you will, instead of remembering individuals.

Having said that, there are a couple of things that stick out. I do remember key "things" about individuals such as those "off the wall" felony convictions (they always astound me) or the fun interviews. Usually the fun interviews are because we, the interviewers, made them fun. [I do not advise that the candidate try to interject fun into an interview.]

For example, we had a candy dish sitting on the table full of colored candies. I loved to "mess" with people and line up three different colored candies on the table and then ask the candidate to choose one....before we began the interview. The reactions were priceless. The candidate would get wide-eyes and study the colors and our faces before picking one. They would choose, hand it to one of us with the most puzzled look. We would say thank you and then move right into the interview. Most people would ask at a later date what that was all about and which color meant what. Of course it meant absolutely nothing except to give us a chuckle.

Thanks for the smile... and the memory reflection. :)

Lori Clark

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